
Contrast Sensitivity Charts

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Hamilton-Veale Contrast Sensitivity
The Hamilton-Veale Contrast Sensitivity Test is an inexpensive and convenient method of contrast sensitivity assessment enabling quick and valid results to be obtained. This test can be used to monitor a decrease in the contrast sensitivity func..

Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity Charts
Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity Charts Features Traditional Sloan Optotypes.  For use at 100 cm (1m).  Includes two charts which may be wall or easel mounted and score sheets. Acuity Level 40M (20/320) at 1 Meter. Illumination of..

Tumbling “E” Low Contrast Flip Book
Notations in M letter sizes ranging from 20M to 1.6M for testing at various distances. Each page its own contrast level at 100%, 2.5% and 1.25%. This flip book is great for vision studies and research worldwide. The Tumbling “E” vision chart..

Cardiff Contrast Test for Infants & Adults
The Cardiff Contrast Test is designed for contrast sensitivity measurement in toddlers, young children and adults with intellectual impairment or communication difficulty. Contrast sensitivity is the difference in visual properties that makes some..

Contrast Sensitivity Chart Pads (Pack of 50)
Contrast Sensitivity Chart Pads (Pack of 50)   ..

Contrast Sensitivity Reading Chart
10 paper recording charts suitable for use with any LogMar contrast sensitivity chart/examination. Supplied with a perspex wand SDT-400-PW and instructions.   ..

Hiding Heidi Low Contrast Test for Infants Near/Distance
This low contrast face stimulus is designed for assessment of vision for communication. Developed by Dr. Lea Hyvarinen, this set has 6 contrast levels: 1.25%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 25% and 100%. A blank card is included to cover the stimulus before presenta..

Lea Numbers Low Contrast Test
Now it is easy to measure, record and detect changes in the transfer of visual information when the change only affects visual acuity at low contrast levels. This chart presents numbers at the following contrast levels: black..

Lea Symbols® Low Contrast Test 10M
Test for quick measurement of low contrast visual acuity at 25%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, and 1.25% contrast by measuring the distance at which the symbols are seen. 10M symbols correspond to visual acuity 0.10 at 1 meter, 0.05 at 0.5 meters and 0.3 at .3 m..

Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%
Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%  For testing at 4 Meters (13ft)   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:   SDT-392-LSV or  SDT-396-LPV   ..

Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 10%
Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 10%  For testing at 4 Meters.   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:   SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5%
Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5% For testing at 4 Meters (13ft)   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or  SDT-396-LPV   ..

Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 25%
Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 25%  For viewing at 4 Meters (13ft)   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets: SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 5%
Logmar 4m Contrast Sensitivity 5%  For testing at 4 Meters (13ft)   To be uesd with either of the following Light Cabinets: SDT-392-LSV or  SDT-396-LPV   ..

Mixed Contrast Near Vision Card - Logmar equivalent
Continuous Test Mixed Contrast Near Vision Screening Card, complete with cord to maintain proper viewing distance. Mixed high-contrast and 10% contrast. For viewing at 40cm (16in)   ..

Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%
Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25% For viewing at 2.5 Meters (8.3ft)   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 10%
Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 10% To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV ..

Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5%
Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5%  For viewing at 2.5 Meters (8.3ft)   To be uesd with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV     ..

Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 25%
Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 25%  For viewing at 2.5 Meters (8.3ft)    To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 5%
Patti Pics 2.5m Contrast Sensitivity 5%  For viewing at 2.5 Meters (8.3ft)   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%
Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%  For viewing at 3 Meters (10ft)  To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 10%
  Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 10%  For viewing at 3 Meters (10ft)    To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5%
Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 2.5%  For viewing at 3 Meters (10ft).   To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 5%
Patti Pics 3m Contrast Sensitivity 5%  For viewing at 3 Meters (10ft)  To be used with either of the following Light Cabinets:  SDT-392-LSV or SDT-396-LPV   ..

Patti Pics 4m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25%
Patti Pics 4m Contrast Sensitivity 1.25% Translucent panel for use with illuminated cabinets SDT-392-LSV and SDT-396-LPV Supplied with a soft tipped pointer, record forms and instructions. Size: 62cm x 65cm   ..